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Friday 8 June 2012

Customer Care (Unit 301)

Introduction to customer care

Customer care is a crucial element of business success. Every time you have contact with your customer you have an opportunity to improve your reputation with them and increase the likelihood of further sales.
From your telephone manner to the efficiency of your order fulfilment system almost every aspect of your business affects the way your customer view your business. There are also specific programme you can put in place to increase your level of customer care.
Customer care involves putting systems in place to maximize your customers' satisfaction with your business. It should be a prime consideration for every business - your sales and profitability depends on keeping your customers happy.
Customer care is more directly important in some roles than others. For receptionists, sales staff and other employees in customer-facing roles, customer care should be a core element of their job description and training, and a core criterion when you're recruiting.
But don't neglect the importance of customer care in other areas of your business. For instance, your warehousing and dispatch departments may have minimal contact with your customers - but their performance when fulfilling orders has a major impact on customers' satisfaction with your business.
A huge range of factors can contribute to customer satisfaction, but your customers - both consumers and other businesses - are likely to take into account:
·         how well your product or service matches customer needs
·         the value for money you offer
·         your efficiency and reliability in fulfilling orders
·         the professionalism, friendliness and expertise of your employees
·         how well you keep your customers informed
·         the after-sales service you provide

Write a letter to Company
1st Letter
MS computer company LTD
123 industrial roads
Tel No.01302 6665322

Mr John
Computer Company
Dn1 5DA

Dear sir/madam
Letter for contract and cost
I am writing to you response ours company contract. We would like to discuss you about our company project.  we would to set up a meeting and negotiable to term of our contract and cost of our service We provide you to and make sure everything we do for your satisfaction.

We would like to hear you and we will do working in future.

If you need more information about our company please contact the above number.

You’re sincerely

Company manager
Muhammad shahbaz

Service Contract
Days: Mon to Fri
Time: 9.00am to 4.00pm

Cost of service pricing is the setting of a price for a service based on the costs incurred in providing it. Cost of service pricing can be applied to an individual customer based on the costs of serving that customer.

Cost of service is the maximum of pay you can earn in two day in a week that you can earn £20 to £40 pound. It’s only labour that you can responsible for the parts you will replace.

The service contract between MS Computer Company LTD and The Computer Company is two years contract we are starting 01/11/11 and our end date is 01/11/2013. In this contract we are cover your computer hardware equipment and your computer installation and health and safety. We are cover Monday to Friday if you want to keep initial extra hours we charge extra cost.

The frequency of the maintenance will depend on how often the computer is used. Basic maintenance, such as wiping over the keyboard and the screen should be done as often as possible, at least once a week for computers that are used daily.

MS Computer Company Signature: Muhammad Shahbaz
The Computer Company Signature: _­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­___________________________________

Letter to the Company

MS computer company LTD
123 industrial roads
Tel No.01302 6665322
Date: 01/11/11
Mr John
Computer Company
Dn1 5DA
Dear Mr John
Letter for service contract
This letter will confirm our understanding concerns the terms of retainer and nature of service to be performed for Computer Company. These terms are follows:
Terms: This agreement will be period 2 years commencing on Tuesday 01/11/11. Either of us may terminate this agreement with five (5) days a week and our open hours are 09.00 to 5.00.
Duties: in our contract our duties will included:
·         Checking the problem
·         Researching the fault
·         Fixing the problem
·         Following health and safety
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have question or need additional information. I look forward to talking with you soon.
If you need more information about our company please contact the above number.

You’re sincerely

Company manager
Muhammad shahbaz


Mr John
The Computer Company
Dn1 5DA
To: Mr John
From: Muhammad Shahbaz
Date: 01/11/11
Subject: service contract
The Computer Company service the contract between MS computer company LTD. This is inform you that we will meeting you to discussed the service contract of to see scheduled at 3.30pm on Wednesday 8/11/11in room 6.

You’re respectfully
Muhammad Shahbaz

Muhammad Shahbaz
MS computer company LTD
123 industrial roads
Tel No.01302 6665322

Subject: Meeting with the Computer Company
07/11/11, 11.00am
To thank The Computer Company he requested the meeting with MS Company this morning where the MS company manager presented a presentation and discus and tells about his company.

Ms company manager
The computer company manager
The company staff

Duties list
Service contract
ICT supply
The team
Time of cover changing
Other business issue

Verbal attend
The basis of communication is the interaction between people.  Verbal communication is one way for people to communicate face-to-face.  Some of the key components of verbal communication are sound, words, speaking, and language. 

Intonation:  intonation is not always used correctly. For instance, the fact that simultaneous interpreters do not know how the speaker is going to proceed in his or her speech may lead the interpreters’ intonation to indicate their state of expectation. In that case, the voice tends to go up at the end of a sentence. In many languages, a rising intonation is a sign of surprise or a question, but when being used systematically by the interpreter it becomes very difficult for the audience to listen and understand where sentences begin and end, or to distinguish what is affirmative and what is interrogative.

Tone: The tone of voice is a means by which the speaker implies his or her attitude to the message. It is also a means by which he seeks a reaction from the hearer. In a political debate, for instance, the tone of voice is likely to be rousing, whereas on television the daily news is communicated in a more factual tone. Other examples of tone of voice are: aggressive, critical, nervous, disappointed, monotonous, friendly, enthusiastic, vivid, persuasive, etc.

Feedback: Your audience will provide you with feedback, verbal and non-verbal reactions to your communicated message. Feedback, as it is the only thing that allows you to be confident that your audience has understood your message. If you find that there has been a misunderstanding, at least you have the opportunity to send the message a second time.

Non-verbal techniques

Smiling on phone: Smile while you're talking this has a proven positive effect on the conversation. Have a pen and paper handy, or be ready at the keyboard to write down or type any addresses, phone numbers, dates, or other important facts that might be discussed during the call.
  • Mute or turn off the television before attempting to use the phone
  • Always say “HELLO” do not say anything else
  • Use an approved company greeting when answering a business call
  • Allow the line to ring at least five before hanging up
  • If possible ask anyone you call if it is a good time to be calling
  • Be sure to state the purpose of the call early in the conversation, and thank the other person before you complete the call
  • Be patience and listen the caller carefully

Tidy language: Consider how your perceptions of people are affected by the way they sit, walk, stand up, or hold their head. The way you move and carry you communicates a
Wealth of information to the world. This type of nonverbal communication includes your posture, bearing, stance, and subtle movements. 

Be Open and Confident: When it comes to making the first impression, body language as well as appearance speaks much louder than words.
Use your body language to project appropriate confidence and self-assurance. Stand tall, smile (of course), make eye contact, greet with a firm handshake. All of this will help you project confidence and encourage both you and the other person to feel better at ease.

Interpersonal communication technique
Attentive listening: Means thinking and acting in ways that connect you with the speaker. While active listing usually happens naturally when we are very interested in what someone is saying. We can also choose to listening activity whenever we want to maximize the quality of our listening both in terms of the effect it has on us and the effect it has on those we are speaking to. By contrast, when people "multi-task" while someone speaks, they rarely listen effectively.
Difference between hearing and listening: Listening and hearing may be both sensed through our ears but beyond that listening is very different to hearing. Hearing is just the perception that there are several sounds going through your ear while listening is parsing every part of the sound and understanding what it is meant. Therefore, listening begets understanding while hearing does not. Aside from this, listening requires attentiveness and concentration which requires your brain to work.
Positive and negative language:  Positive body language is when a person is showing they are happy or comfortable e.g. leaning towards the person they are talking to/with or simply smiling
Negative body language is showing the person is uncomfortable or unhappy e.g. crossed arms, frowning, looking around the room aimlessly (bored).

Negative phrasing and language often have the following characteristics:
  • Tells the recipient what cannot be done.
  • Has a subtle tone of blame.
  • Includes words like can't, won't, unable to, that tell the recipient what the sending agency cannot do.
  • Does not stress positive actions that would be appropriate, or positive consequences. 
Positive phrasing and language have the following qualities:
  • Tells the recipient what can be done
  • Suggests alternatives and choices available to the recipient
  • Sounds helpful and encouraging rather than bureaucratic
  • Stresses positive actions and positive consequences that can be anticipated

Active listening:
 Active listening is a communication technique. Active listening requires the listener to understand, interpret, and evaluate what they hear. The ability to listen actively can improve personal relationships through reducing conflicts, strengthening cooperation, and fostering understanding. When you do active listening, you're agreeing to focus on a common goal: to improve your ability to deal with the problems in your relationship.
Active listening is very different from the way we usually deal with arguments. It will be difficult to make this kind of change when both of you feel very upset. Don't get discouraged if it doesn't work right away.

Summarising: A summary is an overview of a text. The main idea is given, but details, examples and formalities are left out. Used with longer texts, the main aim of summarizing is to reduce or condense a text to its most important ideas. Summarizing is a useful skill for making notes from readings and in lectures, writing an abstract/synopsis and incorporating material in assignments.

Paraphrasing: A paraphrase is a passage borrowed from a source and rewritten in your own words. A paraphrase should be true to the original author’s idea, but is rewritten in your own words and sentence structure. Since you are using someone else’s ideas and expressing them in your own words, it is very important to give credit to the source of the idea.

Body language: Body language is a form of non-verbal communication, which consists of body posture, gestures, facial expressions, and eye movements. Humans send and interpret such signals subconsciously. Body language is one our most subtle, yet important modes of communication. Understanding body language, or non-verbal communication, enables us to positively develop our communication style, and improve our relationships with people around us.

Listening barriers: Listening barriers can prevent effective listening if they aren’t understood and managed.

Background noise: Background noise is any sound element that tends to distract or in some manner interfere with the ability of the individual to hear or be heard. There are many different types of background noises, ranging from those that are almost undetectable to others that are extremely irritating. Fortunately, there are often ways to minimize the intrusion of this secondary noise and overcome the irritation. When you talk to the customer make sure you are not in noisy place and make sure you have no background noise don’t listen music, talk in mobile phone and talking with friend. If you are doing these things you maybe lose your job. 

Distractions: Holding ones attention today is difficult enough without distractions. We need to minimize distractions. Some of the standard distractions are:
·         Noise: Many times it is difficult to have meaningful conversations due to a noisy location.
·         Visual: It can tough to concentrate when there is a lot activity or other visual distraction in the area.
·         Stress: The stress is someone life can make it difficult to concentrate. Stress can be for many reasons such as family issues, work problems, financial concerns, illness of self or a family member, and more.

Types of question (e.g. open and close)

Open question
   1) When was the computer last saving the work into the C drive?
Yesterday working correctly
   2) Have you tried to fixing the system yourself?
Yes I have tried to fix the problem myself but I can’t understand what I do next.
   3) What kind of problem is occurring?
Well the system loads ok, but some details are not saving all the time.
   4) How much space you have in you c hard drive?
I have a lot of space in my c hard drive but still my work not saves in C hard drive.
   5) When did you clean your c drive?
I have clean 3 days ago.
   6) When you save the work than anything display on the screen?
When I safe the work nothing come on the screen
   7) Did you change the hard drive or put new one?
No I didn’t change the hard drive 
   8) Have you removed viruses in your computer system?
I have removed all the viruses from my computer
   9) Have you had this problem before?
No I haven’t had this problem before that’s first time my c drive not saving the work

Close question
1)      Have you had this problem before?
2)      Have you tried to reboot the system?
3)      Software updates taken place i.e. Anti-virus
4)      Is it displaying any error massage on the screen when you save the work?
5)      Have the jumper settings been changed on the hard drive?
6)      Have you change this drive before?
7)      Have the backups been reintroduced?
8)      Did you enter the passwords?
9)      Did you clean the system?
10)    Did you check your logon administrator?

How to adapt style to evidence needs
Intonation is variation of pitch while speaking which is not used to distinguish words. It contrasts with tone, in which pitch variation does distinguish words. Intonation and stress are two main elements of linguistic prosody.
All languages use pitch semantically, that is, as intonation, for instance for emphasis, to convey surprise or irony, or to pose a question.
  • Rising Intonation means the pitch of the voice increases over time
  • Falling Intonation means that the pitch decreases with time
  • Dipping Intonation falls and then rises
  • Peaking Intonation rises and then falls
A manner of speaking in which the loudness, pitch, or tone of the voice is modified
Business or technical terminology
Technical terminology is the specialized vocabulary of any field not just technical field.

Your success in most every area of life is directly connected to your level of vocabulary knowledge. If you don't know a lot of English vocabulary, you will struggle. If you know a lot of words, and have a lot of verbal confidence, you will be able to understand, learn, and express yourself better. Other people will be more inclined to respect and follow you, and you will be more successful in whatever you do.
Large vocabulary helps you organize your thoughts with clarity and distinction. Building word power is a lifelong, ongoing process, and Learn That Word is the perfect tool to guide you along. If you are sure of what you know your confidence will nurture everything you say, write or do.

How to reduce listing barriers
Communication is a vital part of any relationship. When affective communication is interrupted or not executed properly, it can lead to misunderstandings that might hurt the relationship. There are barriers to communication that must be overcome by the speaker. It is possible to reduce those barriers so proper communication can take place.
·         Choose the best communication channel for your specific message. A communication channel is the way in which you communicate. For example, phone calls, texts, email, and face-to-face are all communication channels. If your message is long or complicated, an email or text is not suitable. If you're worried about becoming too angry during a face-to-face conversation, then maybe an email is the way to go.
·         Choose an appropriate time to have a conversation. If you want to ask your boss for a raise, you should not do so during the company's busiest week, or you risk your boss not being able to listen or absorb what you're saying.
·         Speak clearly when talking to someone. This doesn't just refer to the volume or annunciation of your message, but also the terms you are using. Many times doctors will explain a patient's condition to them in medical terms, which most patients are not familiar with, so the patient walks away confused. Do not use slang or terminology that the listener is not familiar with.
·         Listen when the other person is speaking. Instead of thinking about what you will say next, actually take in what the other person is saying so you are able to receive their message, as well.
Cultural difference
Cultural differences are the variations in the way of life, beliefs, traditions and laws between different countries, religions, societies and people. Many people see culture as an all-encompassing overview of large groups of people. However, the word culture can be used to describe the way of life of much smaller groups.

The most common meaning of culture, as suggested, is that of large groups of people and how their lifestyles and beliefs differ; this is where cultural differences come in. Where we live and what we believe has a great impact on all aspects of our life whether we realise it or not. Some of the differences between cultures are enforced by internal rules (such as legal age of marriage) whereas others just happen through many years of development towards a certain way over another.

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